The commonly accepted title is 'Dear Diary (BONU$)'. The bonus track received after purchasing the album for $3.33 USD on Bandcamp is titled 'AfterBirth (Bonu$)' in the email, yet the file itself is named 'Dear Diary'.
Full disclosure: Prolonged periods of intense rock anthem-mayhem. All other instruments ever invented make a brief appearance. Matthias Bossi and Jon Evans play it all. Thanks for supporting your friendly worldwide Ridiculon organization. And it's only $1.00!!! This is outrageous! As always, there is a bonus track available for those who pay $3.33. A handful of full-octane jams for your mind-grapes. 'Hello Minions! Enjoy this tasty Aural treat! More loud.
Steam version features different track names (with accurate locations for where each track plays in-game), and is encoded in MP3 320kbps 44100 Hz. Released on Steam as a free download to anyone who owns both 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - Soundtrack' DLC and 'The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth' DLC. What was previously the second track, 'Chorus Mortis (Alt Title Theme)', was moved to ninth place. It is titled 'ReGenesis' and was added as the first track. Ventricide is replaced with The One Who Gets In. Matricide is replaced with Unfinished Battle. Cerebrum Dispersio is replaced with Mechanical Rhythm.

Every boss theme is replaced with a battle theme from Xenoblade Chronicles. On Sep 21 2015, the previously mentioned additional track was added to the album. Xenoblade Boss Themes - Modding of Isaac. The official release date of the album, Oct 30 2015, was finalised on its Bandcamp page on Sep 16. Chorus Mortis (Alt Title Theme) Hello Minions Enjoy this tasty Aural treat More loud. On Sep 8 2015, the release date of the game was revealed to be Oct 30. The Binding Of Isaac - Afterbirth: OST by Ridiculon, released 30 October 2015 1. On Sep 2 2015, it was announced that another track was going to be added to the album the following week. This date was arbitrary and picked due to the release date of the game being unknown at the time. Dispersiiviset aaltoliikkeet voidaan jakaa materiaalidispersioon (esimerkiksi valo väliaineessa), ja geometriseen dispersioon (esimerkiksi aallot vedessä, ääni ohuessa levyssä, radioaalto aaltoputkessa, valo optisessa kuidussa).Jälkimmäinen dispersiomuoto aiheutuu siitä, että aallonpituus on. The original release date was scheduled for Aug 15 2015, but was delayed on Aug 13 to Oct 15 2015. Dispersio tarkoittaa fysiikassa sitä, että aallon etenemisnopeus riippuu sen taajuudesta. Became available to pre-order on Bandcamp May 18, 2015.